Have you ever been obsessed when working on a jigsaw puzzle? Have you ever been seduced by jewel-like colors, stones on the beach, materials
natural and man-made? Do you get deep satisfaction when occupied with physical involvement in your work? Do you like surprises? Do you like to solve problems creatively? With all that energy, are you still patient? Then mosaicing is for you! Imagine combining it all: creating the jigsaw puzzle as you put it together, letting the materials that turn you on and the ideas you are passionate about expressing be your guides. I love how light playing on the fragments and the flow, or andamento, of a mosaic bring it to life. Even wall panels become very three-dimensional.
In my artwork, I love combining mosaic elements with other sculptural elements to create poetic narratives. I love combining historical and art-historical references with modern elements to express a universal sense of who we are and the timeless dualities inherent in the human condition. The limitless ways of doing mosaics offer a wealth of possibilities for realizing whatever is driving my ideas, and set up fun challenges to push my technical creativity.
~ Karen Dimit