SAMA is honored to share this listing of regional groups and mosaic art communities who are living the SAMA Mission! We are grateful for the efforts of these energetic and passionate groups who advance the education, inspiration and promotion of excellence in mosaic arts within their communities.
Atlanta Mosaic Art Guild
Austin Mosaic Guild
The Austin Mosaic Guild is a regional mosaic organization for the central Texas area. We hold monthly meetings to further educate our members, promote mosaic art, organize exhibits to promote the work of our members and organize community projects. We began with 12 members in 2008 and have grown to over 50 dues paying members.
Ceramic & Mosaic Art 2 (CMA2)
CMA2 is a member-driven nonprofit organization that provides an inclusive community of mosaicists who connect with others worldwide in a variety of direct and compelling avenues, including conferences as well as live and recorded video presentations, discussions, exhibitions and workshops. There is no membership fee.
Colorado Mosaic Artists/CMA
CMA Mission
Colorado Mosaic Artists
Support and advocate for the mosaic art form in Colorado.
Encourage mosaic artists to grow through meetings and events.
Give visibility to the mosaic art form by providing exhibit opportunities.
Contribute to the community through mosaic art for recognized charitable organizations.
Colorado Mosaic Artists promotes mosaics as a fine art and the artistic and technical education of its members and the general public. CMA welcomes and supports all members including professional mosaic artists, dedicated amateurs and mosaic suppliers. Colorado Mosaic Artists is organized exclusively for educational and artistic purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Minnesota Mosaic Guild
The Minnesota Mosaic Guild (MMG) is a collaboration of artists who are inspired to create new art using broken ceramics, glass and everyday objects.
Established in 2004, MMG was formed to promote the art of mosaic; foster exploration and experimentation in the media; provide educational opportunities in mosaic; and share and celebrate the diversity of experience and knowledge in the media. Our members emerge from a multitude of artistic backgrounds including sculpture, art instruction, jewelry making, graphic design and oil painting.
If you are a mosaic artist - whether beginner or advanced - and are interested in joining the Minnesota Mosaic Guild, please contact us at (We hold online meetings and welcome people from surrounding states too!)
Mosaic Society of Philadelphia
The Mosaic Society of Philadelphia is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that enthusiastically promotes mosaic art in the Philadelphia, PA area.
We are membership based and host educational meetings, workshops and field trips throughout the year. We are building a wide and diverse community of mosaic makers and lovers of all ages and abilities. By building this community we are preserving the tradition and skills of mosaics, building respect for mosaic as an art form, and pushing the boundaries of innovation through contemporary mosaics.
A social and support group for mosaicists in the Houston-area. The group conducts meetings on the second Saturday of each, which are followed by a group lunch. We desire to increase the awareness and appreciation of mosaics through education, inspiration, and promoting excellence in mosaic arts.
Contact us through a message on Facebook!
New England Mosaic Society (NEMS)
The New England Mosaic Society, NEMS, is a volunteer organization that encourages and promotes excellence in contemporary mosaic fine art through education, exhibitions, and community events. Membership is open to mosaic artists at all levels as well as mosaic suppliers.
Membership benefits include:
Member name and contact information included in the online Members Directory
Each member will have a Gallery Page on the NEMS web site and can include images of work, links to personal websites and social media
Members can list their workshops and classes on the NEMS web site
Members can attend NEMS demonstrations showcasing new methods and techniques, presentations by members of the mosaic community, mosaic critiques by well-known mosaic artists
NEMS members can participate in MEMBERS ONLY juried mosaic exhibitions
NEMS members can participate in NEMS-sponsored field trips and mosaic travel adventures.
Members will be notified of upcoming classes, workshops, art exhibits and community project opportunities.
Members will be able to communicate with other NEMS members regularly through the NEMS website bulletin board and at periodic member meetings.
To join, go to
Questions, contact us at or by completing the Contact Us form at
The Chicago Mosaic School Community Group
The Chicago Mosaic School is the only non-profit Mosaic Art school in the world. Since it was founded in early 2005, The Chicago Mosaic School has become the center of education for Mosaic Arts in the United States. As the first school of its kind, CMS provides opportunity for artists interested in the serious study with an academic, materially-oriented approach to art education in the World Master tradition. Now in its ninth year, CMS gives artists, teachers, and enthusiasts a place to explore all facets of mosaics- from classical reproduction to contemporary abstraction. The school preserves and promotes mosaic art through school programs, community partnerships, and teacher training programs. CMS offers opportunities to work with many kinds of organizations, schools, and neighborhood groups to collaborate and create mosaic art for public or commercial spaces. We offer open studio, group critiques, art tours,lectures and art openings at The Gallery of Contemporary Mosaics throughout the year. CMS Memberships are available for class discounts, studio time, and other discounts. Don't hesitate to visit us!
If you are a SAMA member and would like to see your regional group or community listed, you may request a listing addition HERE. SAMA does not currently grant Charter Memberships to groups, localized organizations or internet communities.