Our 2017 Mosaic Marathon Benefactor is The Children’s Hospital of Michigan!
The Children’s Hospital of Michigan is specifically designed to cater to pediatric patients, from our kid-friendly emergency room, to our inpatient facilities with features created just for children. With playrooms, activity centers, computer labs, a library and classrooms, the facility makes a child’s temporary transition from home to hospital easy with remarkable attention to detail. childrensdmc.org
The Mosaic Arts of Michigan and Lead Artist, Sue Majewski are already hard at work prepping materials! We are also very excited to announce that once again, WitsEnd Mosaic and Laticrete, Intl. will be our Mosaic Marathon Sponsors!
Come to the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Duluth A&B during the following times and help us extend our Mosaic Marathon legacy to the city of Detroit!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Wednesday, May 3, 2017, 8:00am – 10:00pm
Thursday, May 4, 2017, 8:00am – 10:00pm
Sue Majewski “Sumajetski” , Artist Statement
Born and raised on the east side of Detroit, Sue completed a graphics degree at Wayne State University. Art has always been a passion and creating Mosaics was an easy transition, having dabbled in every other media available. “Once I created my first mosaic, I knew I was hooked.” Acquiring a kiln enabled Sue to create her own hand built pieces, offering yet more variety to her style.
Sue has led many large, indoor and outdoor creative projects with full– and partially-abled youth and adults. She oversaw the execution of the mosaics on the front of the Arts & Scraps retail facility, as well as surrounding artwork. She successfully produced outdoor sculptures for two community fundraisers in Grosse Pointe, MI using fiberglass outdoor substrates. In 2012, she won “Peoples Choice” award for ‘Perch folio’, a 5 foot jumping perch. Sue mosaiced the outdoor sculpture with photos underneath each of the 2000+ glass scales.
Sue currently works as the Gallery Coordinator for Beaumont Health Arts for the Spirit program by day. Always searching for healing artwork that can provide a calming distraction to those surrounded by uncertainties in the hospitals.
“From my heart, through my hands, with an enthusiastic layover in my imagination, inspiration seizes me. It is my passion for life that inspires me to create. My creativity is sparked by the materials that surround me and by the infinite world of imagination and wonder. To share that world of mystery and magic is my absolute sheer delight.”